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Case study: optimization of dust binding in a brewery

In a brewery, the dust load in the filtration agitator increased due to the use of xerogels, which led to problems with extraction performance.

As a solution, Bete Germany offered the integration of HA hollow cone nozzles, which produce very fine water droplets to bind dust.

This resulted in optimum dust binding and improved working conditions for the employees. With low acquisition costs and no additional operating costs, the solution proved to be effective and economical.

The brewery benefited from a cleaner environment and less cleaning. The employees were very very satisfied with the improved indoor climate. 

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We were able to fulfill all requirements with flying colors and are very proud of the recertification in the quality management. 

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Hopfen und Düse

We have understood, dear brewers

Realize efficient cleaning processes and potential savings? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! The patented HydroClaw® revolutionizes tank cleaning with its powerful impact. Our precision nozzles have been specially developed for breweries and operators

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