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Gas Cleaning

Scrubber nozzles are used to remove pollutants and other chemical contaminants from process gases, liquids, and equipment. Scrubbers can remove sulfur oxides (SOx) from boiler exhaust in coal fired power plants, nitrous oxides (NOx) from combustion streams, acids from chemical processing off gases, disinfectants from drinking water, particulates from process gas, and odors from water water treatment plants among many other potential uses.

While there are many specific types and uses for scrubbers, they typically fall under to general categories of basic scrubber designs:

  • Open Scrubbers: These nozzles are designed to spray the scrubbing liquid directly into the process stream. Open scrubbers depend on the correct droplet size and process conditions in order to maximize the reaction rate or mass transfer rate as these are usually dependent on surface area to volume ratio of the droplets.
  • Packed Scrubbers: These nozzles work by spraying a scrubbing fluid over a packing material within a tower, which has an upward or horizontally flowing gas stream passing through the packing. The packing becomes saturated with the liquid and creates a film for the gas/liquid interaction to occur.


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